Pearls in a Parking Lot (Pt. 2)

Number 2: Is my lack of patience actually preventing my progress? I had passed the lots directly outside of the building on my way in. At the time they had been filled and so I made the decision to take my chances elsewhere. Had I been patient and waited just a little longer, I would…

Pearls in a Parking Lot (Pt. 1)

While running errands one day, I approached a parking lot. From my perspective, it appeared that most of the lots were filled, with the exception of a couple that were furthest from the building. I swung in, anxious to claim one. Consequently, I took the first one I saw. Satisfied, I exited the car and…

Sweet Sin = Sticky, Sickening Consequences

Let’s face it, sin is sweet. Yes, I said it. After all, if it wasn’t, what would be the attraction for me or you? If the consequences were more immediate (a few are, but we try to avoid those), I probably wouldn’t sin, right? Probably neither would you. Well, that’s the crux of the matter…