BREAKING NEWS!!! You do NOT have to die in order to rest in peace! Jesus encourages us to experience both – in the present…right now…today! He offers us rest, in exchange for our weariness. He offers us peace…the kind that allows us to be calm while chaos swirls around us. “I give you peace, the…

God’s Got Your Back

What a reassuring thought on which to begin a new work week. Regardless of what comes your way, remember God’s got you! #FaithSteps#PeaceIsPossible#NewWeekNewOpportunitiesToTrustGod


This one is no rhetorical question. It is one that each of us needs to ask ourselves. Because until we confront the root cause of our doubt, we will continue to live with self-imposed limitations. “…I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 KJV

Hug Anyone?

There’s nothing like walking into the ocean up to your neck on a hot day. I call it an ocean hug…that feeling of my body being enveloped by the cool Caribbean Sea. So today I chose a picture of the ocean to remind us that if we are ever feeling -like failures-worthless-messed up-tired-fed up-or any…

My Strong Tower

Safely through another week… There isn’t a single thing that I can take credit for… Nothing I could have accomplished on my own this week… Not without You, God. There is none like You! I give you the praise, the honour and the glory that is due to You – my Saviour, and the Source…


Today I reminded my daughter that I loved her.Her confident response was, “I know.” I went on to say that sometimes I wonder whether she doesn’t think I love her because of how I may have dealt with her. (We do butt heads on occasion.) Her confident response was, “Never.” In a sudden burst of…

Any Which Way

And that’s that. His sovereignty is not dependent on our belief. It is what it is.


The woman with the issue of blood took a risk on Jesus. And it paid off. What about us? Are we willing to do the same with our issues?

Supernatural Power

Pray for those who persecute you. Matthew 5:44 No one ever said that being a Christian was going to be easy. Thankfully, He gives us His strength because that there is going to require something supernatural! #OnlyJesus

Head above the Water

When I feel like I’m drowning, Your promises keep me afloat. #Thankful#ThankfulThursday#ThankfulEveryDay